Copying Harmonize Discussions Between Canvas Courses

  • Updated

If you would like to copy Harmonize Discussions from one Canvas course to another, the easiest method to accomplish this is to use Canvas Modules.

Step 1: Create A Module

In your original or "Alpha Course Shell" create a module and add any Harmonize Discussions to it that you would like to copy to your new course. Graded Harmonize Discussions are added from Assignments, and ungraded Harmonize Discussions will be added from the External Tool option. To learn more about this process please refer to Adding Harmonize to Canvas Modules.

Step 2: Begin Content Import

In the new Canvas course shell to which you are importing the Harmonize Content, go to the course settings area and choose "Import Course Content."

Import Course Content option within Canvas course settings interface.

From the next window choose Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type dropdown menu.


Once you've select the "Copy a Canvas Course" option you will be presented with a window to search for the course from which you would like to copy.  Select the course, and then be sure to choose "Select specific content" from the Content option.  This will enable you to select the one individual module you plan to import and not import the entire course.  When you're ready click "Import."

Canvas Import Content interface with

Step 3: Select the Module for Import

When the import is completed you will see it listed in the Current Jobs area of the window.  Click the "Select Content" button to the right.

From the Select Content window that will appear you can go directly to the Modules selection, click the arrow to expand the modules list, and then select the module with the Harmonize Discussions that you would like to import into your new course.  Check the box next to the desired module(s) and then click the "Select Content " button at the bottom.

Select Content interface in Canvas.


All of the content included in that module will now appear in your new course, and all of your Harmonize Discussions (graded and ungraded) will appear ready to use.  

These discussions will be new duplicate versions of the originals.  All of your text, images, media, files, post settings, milestones, and any other Harmonize settings will copy over to this new version.  You can make edits to this version without effecting the original discussion.  None of the posts made to the original discussion or student information will copy to these new discussions.


The "Copy To" option available in Canvas will NOT create new versions of Harmonize Discussions in another Canvas course.  Instead, it creates a new link back to the original discussion.  This functionality is NOT recommended when using LTIs and external tools in Canvas Discussions.

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