Harmonize Communication Center

  • Updated


The Harmonize Communication Center is single page where Instructors and Students can access everything they need in Harmonize.


Adding the Harmonize Communication Center to Your Course

In all supported LMSs, you can create a link to the Harmonize Communication Center by launching the Harmonize resource selector and selecting Communication Center

Resource Selector: Communication Center Option


Accessing the Harmonize Communication Center in Canvas

The Harmonize Communication Center can be accessed by clicking the Harmonize link located in the Canvas course navigation menu.

Canvas Course Navigation: Harmonize Option


The Harmonize Communication Center - Instructor View

Communication Center: Instructor View


The Instructor View of the Harmonize Communication Center currently has 7 options:

  • Discussions: The Discussions card takes users to the topic list page where all non-gradable discussions for the course are listed.
    • NOTE: The Discussions card will only show non-gradable Harmonize discussions. No graded Harmonize discussions will be listed here.
  • Course Q&A: takes instructors and students to the Course Q&A (if enabled) or instructors to the Course Q&A settings (if disabled).
  • Chat: launches chat in a new window. (Note: This option will be hidden for any user that disables chat)
  • Engagement Insights: Engagement Insights
  • Tips: Click the Tips card to view helpful support videos and find links to help guides which sho
  • Course Settings: Click 
  • Profile Settings: takes users to their Harmonize profile page where they can manage information about themselves and adjust their notification and chat settings.


The Harmonize Communication Center - Student View

Communication Center: Student View


The Harmonize Communication Center currently has 4 options:

  • Discussions takes users to the topic list page where all ungraded discussions for the course are listed.
  • Course Q&A takes instructors and students to the Course Q&A (if enabled) or instructors to the Course Q&A settings (if disabled).
  • Chat launches chat in a new window. (Note: This option will be hidden for any user that disables chat).
  • Settings takes users to their Harmonize profile page where they can manage information about themselves and adjust their notification and chat settings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why aren't my graded Harmonize discussions shown when I click the Discussions card in the Harmonize Communication Center?

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