Harmonize is an interactive space where you can post your work and discuss topics with teachers and other students in your online classroom using rich content and media. Record audio and video from any device to create personal and engaging discussions.
What is a topic?
A topic is a question or discussion initiated by the instructor to start a new discussion or assignment in the course.
- The topic description can include rich text, pictures, videos, and more. Discussion topics can have an open date, a close date, and a due date. Instructors (or instructional designers) are usually the ones who create topics.
- When you first view a topic, the topic description will be displayed. After reading the topic description you can hide it and the system will remember it was hidden for the next time you visit the topic.
- Any member of the class (instructor or student) can respond to the topic question by creating a post. Think of each post as one possible answer to the topic question, or a new thread in the topic. To add a post, click Create post...
Next Steps
Check out our Quick Start Guides:
- Harmonize Quick Start Guides - Students
- Harmonize Quick Start Guides - Instructors (Canvas)
- Harmonize Quick Start Guide - Instructors (Blackboard, Brightspace, & Moodle)
Learn how to create a post in your Harmonize Discussion: