Setting Your Preferred Name in Harmonize

  • Updated


Students and Instructors may choose a preferred name to display in Harmonize Discussions. Select from Display Name (Canvas only), Full Name, or set a Custom Name of your choosing.


Setting your Display Name (Canvas Only)

Harmonize will automatically display the name that appears in the "Display Name" field of your Canvas settings.


To view your current Canvas settings:

  • Click Account and then select the Settings tab:

Canvas: Account Page Settings Tab


To change your Display Name:

  • Click Edit Settings.
  • Update the Display Name field, then click Update Settings.
  • Your updated Display Name will automatically appear in Harmonize.
  • Note: If you are unable to change your current Canvas Settings, visit the "Setting Your Preferred Name in Harmonize" section of this article to update your Harmonize Profile.


Setting Your Preferred Name in Harmonize

To set your preferred name:

  • Access any Harmonize content, such as Discussions, Polls, or Q&A.
  • Click on your Harmonize Profile picture.
  • Click on your name. This will open your Harmonize Profile.

Discussion: Profile Drawer Full Profile Link


  • Your default Harmonize Profile Name is imported automatically from the LMS.
  • Click the Edit icon located on the right side of the Profile Name field.

Profile: Profile Section Profile Name Edit Button


  • Click the drop down menu to the right of Name Source:
    • Custom: Enter your custom name in the provided Profile Name field.
    • Display Name: This is the current Display Name listed in your Canvas Profile. Note: To change your Canvas Display name, visit the "Setting Your Canvas Display Name" section of this article.
    • Full Name: This is the current Full name Listed in your Canvas Profile.


Profile: Profile Name Edit Dialog


  • Click Save.
  • Your preferred name will now be displayed throughout Harmonize.

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