Harmonize notifies you when there is new activity in a discussion, allowing students and instructors to keep up to date on discussion activity. These notifications appear in two ways:
- The Notifications Activity Stream: These notifications are shown under the Bell Icon in the Harmonize navigation menu. Notifications are global across all courses enrolled and you can access the notification settings from any Harmonize Topic or Assignment.
- Email Notifications: These notification are sent to the email address listed in your Harmonize Profile.
Notification Activity Stream
- All your Harmonize Notifications will appear in the Activity Stream located under the Bell icon in the Harmonize navigation menu
- The number of Notifications that have not been viewed will appear as a badge counter on the top right of the bell icon
- The "New" icon indicates unread Notifications
- Clicking on a notification will take you to the referenced post or comment
NOTE: The Notification Activity Stream appears in Harmonize interfaces only. These notifications are separate from your LMS notifications.
Email Notifications
Harmonize will also send email notifications to the address listed in your Harmonize Profile. Email notifications are sent from "noreply@harmonizelearning.com" and have the subject line "Recent Harmonize Activity".
NOTE: Please do not reply to notification emails. Students, please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Instructors, please direct your questions to Harmonize Support.
Accessing Your Settings
Email notifications settings can be accessed via your Harmonize Profile. These settings will apply to all Harmonize assignments and discussions.
- Click the Gear icon to visit the Notification Settings section of your Harmonize Profile.
Your Email Address
Email notifications are sent to the address listed in your Profile. The default email address listed here is pulled from your LMS profile. To update this address:
- Click the drop down menu and choose "Email Specific Below"
- Enter your preferred email address.
- Click Save.
Notification Settings
Notifications are sent when any of the following actions occur in Harmonize. Email frequency can be set to Immediately, Daily, Weekly, or None. Please note that notification frequency is set to "Immediately" by default. These settings can be changed at any time by individual users.
Here is a list of email Notifications Harmonize sends:
Teacher Actions
- New teacher posts
- Updates to topic/assignment description
- An item is marked as a teacher question
My Content
- Teacher responds to your content
- Student responds to your content
- Video processing errors
- Posts you are tagged in
- Comments you are tagged in
Watched Topics
- Posts
- Comments
- Comments on images or videos
Milestones (Students Only)
- Milestone Due in 1 Day: Students are automatically sent this email notification 24 hours prior to a Milestone deadline:
- Milestone Past Due: Students are automatically sent this email notification shortly after a Milestone deadline is missed:
Chat Messages
- New Chat Messages
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I am not receiving the email notifications outlined above. What am I doing wrong?
- Check that the correct email address is listed in your Harmonize Student Profile or Harmonize Instructor Profile.
- Check that all your Email Frequency settings are set to Immediately, Daily, or Weekly.
- Email notifications are sent from "noreply@harmonizelearning.com" and have the subject line "Recent Harmonize Activity". Please add this email address to your allowlist.