Graded PDF Annotations

  • Updated



Graded PDF Annotations provide instructors and students with the ability to markup and critique PDFs within Harmonize.

  • Highlight text and drop pins anywhere in a PDF
  • Add your own comments and reply to others’ annotations
  • Easily jump to new annotations and unread replies
  • Tag other users in comments and replies


Setting Up PDF Annotations for Your Students



Within your course, navigate to Assignments and click the + Assignment button. This will open the Create New Assignment Page in Canvas.


Canvas Assignments: Add New Assignment Button


Give the assignment a name and set the appropriate number of points.

Canvas Assignment Settings: Main Settings Page


Scroll down the page until you see Submission Type. In this section, select External Tool from the drop down menu.  Under "Enter or find an External Tool URL", click Find.

Canvas Assignment Settings: Submission Type External Tool Option


In the Configure External Tool dialogue that appears, click Harmonize Assignment.

Canvas Assignment Settings: Configure External Tool Dialog Harmonize Assignment Option


In the Link Resource from External Tool dialogue that appears, click PDF Annotation

Resource Selector: Canvas View PDF Annotation Option


In the next window, click +Add File to upload a single PDF for annotation. Once completed, click Create PDF Annotation.

Resource Selector: Create Graded PDF Annotation in Canvas


The dialogue window will close automatically and return you to the Configure External Tool dialogue.  An automatically generated URL will appear in the URL field of this window. Please do not alter this URL in any way.  Click the Select button.

Canvas Assignment Settings: Configure External Tool Dialog


This dialogue window will close automatically.  Scroll down to the Assign section. Set DueAvailable From, and Until dates.  Scroll to the bottom of the Create New Assignment page. Click either the Save or Save & Publish button located in the bottom right corner.

Canvas Assignment Settings: Assignment Date Options


Your graded PDF Annotation is now created and the Edit PDF Annotation page will open in a new browser tab.  In the Instructions tab, use the Harmonize Editor to create text instructions and add images or other media.  Click Publish.

PDF Annotations: Edit Instructions and Settings


Your Graded PDF Annotation is now ready for student participation.

PDF Annotations: Main Window View


Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle

Follow the steps for creating graded Harmonize content in your LMS. Come back to this guide once you've reached the Harmonize Component Selector.  Select PDF Annotations from the Harmonize Component Selector.  Click Create New to create a new PDF Annotation component.

Resource Selector: PDF Annotation Option


Enter a title for your PDF Annotation component.  Use the provided Add File dialogue to upload a single PDF for Annotation.  Select the Graded option.  Assign the number of possible points for your Graded PDF Annotation.  Click the Create PDF Annotation button.

Resource Selector: Create Graded PDF Annotation


Your graded PDF Annotation is now created and the Edit PDF Annotation page will open in a new browser tab.  In the Instructions tab, use the Harmonize Editor to create text instructions and add images or other media.  Click Publish.

PDF Annotations: Edit Instructions and Settings


Editing Your PDF Annotation


  • Navigate to your PDF Annotation and click the title to open it.


  • If this is your first time opening the PDF, you will be presented with the Edit PDF Annotation window. If not, click the Edit button near the top right of the Harmonize window.


  • From the Edit PDF Annotation window you may:

    • View the PDF Annotation Due Date. (To change this date, please see Setting Assignment Dates)
    • Click the PDF file name to view the PDF file
    • Update discussion Instructions.
    • Update Annotation Settings


Edit PDF Annotation Window with Due Date, PDF file name, and Instructions highlighted


  • Click Annotation Settings to set Visibility Settings for your PDF Annotation. Depending upon your LMS, these options include:
    • Visible to Everyone (Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle)
    • Students in Same Sections (Canvas only)
    • Students in Same Group (Canvas and Blackboard only)
    • Private Between Students & Instructors (Canvas, Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle)


Edit PDF Annotation Window with Annotation Settings and Publish options highlighted


  • After editing is completed, click the Publish button.



Creating Annotations

Once the PDF Annotation is created, instructors and student can add new annotations as well as respond to the annotations of others.

PDF Annotation: PDF View and Controls



Section 1: Navigation and Filtering Options


PDF Annotation: View Annotations Toggle Button Show / Hide Annotations
PDF Annotation: PDF Page Controls Previous / Next Annotation
PDF Annotation: PDF Zoom Tools Zoom In, Zoom Out, Select Magnification



Section 2: Annotation Tools


PDF Annotation: Text Annotation Tool Button Create a Highlight
PDF Annotation: Pin Annotation Tool Button Drop a Pin
PDF Annotation: PDF Pan Tool Button Move / Pan



Section 3: Annotation Menu


PDF Annotation: Annotation Drawer View Toggle Button Open / Close Annotations Panel




The Annotations Panel

Here is an example of how top-level student annotations and replies appear in the Annotations Panel:


PDF Annotation: Annotation Drawer



PDF Annotation: Annotation Pagination Controls
 Previous / Next Annotation
PDF Annotation: Annotation Menu Button
Annotation Action Menu
Edit Annotation
Delete Annotation
PDF Annotation: Annotation Reply Button
Reply to Annotation




Grading PDF Annotations


Canvas SpeedGrader

To view SpeedGrader, click the action menu next to the title of your PDF Annotation and click SpeedGrader.

Canvas Assignments: Assignment Menu SpeedGrader Option


The Graded PDF Annotation will appear in the left window.  Click the Annotations Panel button to open the annotations panel.

Canvas SpeedGrader: PDF Annotation Submission View


  1. This is a summary of the individual student's activity for this graded PDF Annotation. It includes the number of annotations created, the number of replies created, and the total number of annotations viewed.
  2. Use the arrows to navigate between annotations and replies. To only view the student's work, toggle the switch to ON.
  3. Only the student's annotations will be shown in this view so it's easy to see the student's work.


Here is the expected grading behavior for Graded PDF Annotations:

Student Action Canvas SpeedGrader
If a student creates a top-level PDF annotation Harmonize sends student work to SpeedGrader immediately
If a student creates a reply, but does not create a top-level PDF annotation Harmonize sends student work to SpeedGrader when the due date elapses
If a student does not participate in the activity Harmonize sends nothing to SpeedGrader


Blackboard, Brightspace, and Moodle

To grade your PDF Annotation activity, click the Grades & Activity button in the top right of the Harmonize window.  Select a student from the list.

PDF Annotations: Grades and Activity View


  1. Grades may be entered in the provided Grade field. To view another student's work, select a different name from the student drop down menu.
  2. This is a summary of the individual student's activity for this graded PDF Annotation. It includes the number of annotations created, the number of replies created, and the total number of annotations viewed.
  3. Use the arrows to navigate between annotations and replies. To only view the student's work, toggle the switch to ON. Only the currently selected student's annotations will be shown in the PDF content area to make it easy to see the student's work.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I use Milestones with Graded PDF Annotations?

  • Milestones are not available for use with Graded PDF Annotations at this time.


Q. Can I use Harmonize's Group Visibility setting with Graded PDF Annotations?

  • The group visibility setting is not available for use with Graded PDF Annotations at this time.

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